बुधवार, 1 मार्च 2023

PGI: 10 percent increase in tests costing more than five thousand-


PGI: 10 percent increase in tests costing more than five thousand

Increased rate due to 25 to 30 percent increase in the price of rejet and kit

Fee increased after 15 years


In Sanjay Gandhi PGI,  radiological, nuclear scan, laboratory and other tests, the institute administration has increased the rates after 15 years on the basis of slab. The Investigation Revolving Fund of the institute was running at a loss of 20 to 30 per cent due to the high cost of chemical insecticides and non-increase in rates. The institute fixes the fee rate on the lines of first no profit ne las. The institute administration says that even after the increase in rates, tests are being done at 50 to 70 less rate than market or corporate test centers. Chief Medical Superintendent of the Institute, Prof. Gaurav Aggarwal says that only 10 percent increase has been made on the test whose fee is more than 5 thousand. This will not put any extra burden on the patients. For the quality of the test in the institute, many times the test is repeated without any extra charge. Quality control standards are run with each test.


Rate increased in this slab

Checks less than Rs 100 – 50%

101 to 500 – 25 percent

501 to 2000 - 20 percent

5000 from 2001 – 15%

Above 5000 – 10%



More than 70 per cent of the test kits for the special tests come from abroad. The cost of the kits has increased due to the increase in the dollar price, due to which the decision to increase the fee has been taken.. Fee Committee

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