शुक्रवार, 17 मार्च 2023

Can be saved from Cesarean by being under the care of a midwife


Can be saved from Cesarean   by being under the care of a midwife

Caesarean is needed in high risk pregnancy

The annual convention of Society of Midwife was organized at Sanjay Gandhi PGI. While inaugurating, Deputy Chief Minister Brajesh Pathak said that cesarean can be avoided by being under the supervision of midwife and nurses. For this, ante natal care should be done every three months during pregnancy. Normal delivery was quite common in our times. We are all born by normal delivery. Today the operation has become normal. Prof. of Nursing College included in the organizing board of the convention. Shabana Khatoon told that today 50 to 60 percent deliveries are being done through operation, this can be brought up to 20 percent. Midwives and nurses suggest several exercises to strengthen the pelvic region. Apart from this, in which operation is needed, it can be guessed. The reason for the operation also affects the economic condition of the families. Modern life style is also promoting the trend of delivery by caesarean section. Normal labor pain of 8 to 12 hours but everything becomes normal after three days after delivery. Complications remain for several days after the operation. In many states, midwives and nurses are even conducting deliveries. This is reducing the burden on the doctor. Cesarean is needed in high risk pregnancy.

The aim of the conference is to "bring back the midwife" to promote normal delivery for the health of the "mother" and the child. Nurses and midwives from all over the country are participating and so far more than four hundred are participating. In the opening ceremony, Director Prof. RK Dhiman, Dr. Prakashamma from Hyderabad, President Society of Midwife Mithali, Dr. Radha K. and others participated.

cesarean can be avoided by birthing child exercise

Using a birthing ball during pregnancy helps strengthen the muscles of the pelvis, back and legs. Doing this exercise can be of great help during childbirth.

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