शुक्रवार, 24 मार्च 2023

world TB day Prevention possible by detecting latent TB in high risk group


world TB day 

Prevention possible by detecting latent TB in high risk group

IGRA detects hidden bacteria

319 people in one lakh suffer from TB

There are 40 to 45 percent people in the state who do not have symptoms of TB but have TB bacteria in the body. It is necessary to detect such people and eliminate TB bacteria in them. On the occasion of World TB Day (24 March), Sanjay Gandhi PGI's Head of Pulmonary Medicine Department, Prof. Alok Nath said that TB eradication is possible only when active TB cases are detected and treated. Also, the people in whom TB bacteria are hidden (latent TB) should also be searched and bacteria should be eliminated in them. The Mantoux test and the Interferon Gamma Release A (IGRA) test are used to detect latent TB. Latent TB

needs to be specifically detected in the high risk group. Kidney disease, diabetes, TB in the household, liver disease, auto immune disease and other high risk groups. Preventive therapy (prophylaxis) can be given by detecting the bacteria hidden in them. In these, a course of medicine runs for 6, 4 or three months. 10 percent of latent TB cases turn into active cases. Pro. Alok told that there are 28 lakh TB patient reports in India, but 12 to 15 lakh active TB cases are missing, it is necessary to find them. For this purpose, he started the process of going door-to-door to find TB patients. If TB patients do not take the medicine for the full time, then they turn into multi-drug resistance (MDR), in which the conventional drugs do not work. Medicines have to be changed in these. That's why the treatment should be done correctly for the whole time. 25% of the total active TB cases seen turn into MDR. There are 319 cases of TB per lakh. 9.1 per lakh have been observed for MDR.

TB increased during the Corona period

The rate of TB has been around two per cent, but it increased to 3.5 per cent during the Corona period as both treatment and discovery were affected during this period. The rate is expected to come down this year as treatments and discoveries increase.

According to the World Health Organisation, the results of both IGRA and Mantoux test are equivalent. Since IGRA is expensive, Matoux test can be done to detect latent TB. It is cheap and is popular all over the world. This test is not for TB diagnosis only for latent TB detection. It is necessary to find out the hidden bacteria in the people of high risk group and treat them..Dr. Sudhir Sinha Special Scientist SGPGI

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