सोमवार, 27 मार्च 2023

National Seminar on Heart Failure at PGI- Iron deficiency is seen in 40 to 50 percent of heart failure cases

National Seminar on Heart Failure at PGI

Iron deficiency is seen in 40 percent of heart failure cases

Iron deficiency can happen even if hemoglobin level is fine

In people with heart failure, iron deficiency has been shown to reduce their quality of life by 19%. Iron levels should be continuously monitored in these patients. Hemoglobin is sometimes fine in them but there is a deficiency of iron. In the National Seminar on Heart Failure organized at Sanjay Gandhi PGI, Sanjay Gandhi PGI Cardiologist Prof. Satyendra Tiwari pointed out that up to 50% of patients with heart failure are iron deficient. All patients with heart failure should be periodically screened for anemia and iron deficiency. Iron deficiency can occur without anemia (lack of hemoglobin). Sometimes the amount of RBC/hemoglobin is normal but there is less than normal iron in the blood. They have trouble breathing. Therefore, serum ferritin (a protein that stores and releases iron) and saturated transferrin levels should be monitored. Iron deficiency in heart failure includes reduced capacity to function, increased risk of hospitalization, increased symptoms, and poor quality of life. Head of the Department Prof. Aditya Kapoor, Prof. Naveen Garg, Prof. Rupali Khanna and Prof. Ankit Sahu said that expanding the experience of experts in the treatment of heart failure would be of great benefit.

Why is iron deficiency

Cardiologist Prof. Sudeep Kumar of SGPGI says that inflammation is an important problem in heart failure patients. In inflammatory conditions, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, interleukin-6 and several other proinflammatory cytokines, 12 , 21 and C-reactive protein are increased. These chemicals adversely affect the hemoglobin level. Some patients with HF are treated with drugs based on the renin-angiotensin system. This also affects the level of iron.

What is cardiac arrest and heart failure

In cardiac arrest, the heart suddenly stops beating properly. Our heart stops pumping blood due to an electrical issue. Due to this, our cells do not get the necessary oxygen. Lack of oxygen to the cells can lead to sudden cardiac arrest and is a life-threatening condition. If there is immediate help in this, the chances of survival of the patient increases. It mostly occurs in boys and young men during sports.

Heart attack is a circulation problem. Heart attack occurs due to blood clotting or lack of blood supply to the heart. Heart attacks are mostly caused by blockages in the coronary arteries. This is called myocardial infarction in medical language.

Heart failure is a condition in which the heart is unable to pump enough blood to the other parts of the body properly. In this condition, the pumping speed of the heart decreases. In case of heart failure, its effect can be seen on the right or left side of the heart. Or it can have an effect on both sides. Its symptoms appear suddenly.

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