शुक्रवार, 3 मार्च 2023

Lata Sachan and General Secretary Vivek Sharma became the president of PGI NSA


Lata Sachan and General Secretary Vivek Sharma became the president of PGI NSA

 907 valid votes polled for nursing

 In the biennial election of Sanjay Gandhi PGI Staff Nursing Association, Lata Sachan was elected President and Vivek Sharma was elected General Secretary. Lata Sachan got 478 votes while her rival Seema Shukla got 428 votes. Seema Shukla has been the president for 10 consecutive years. Lost this time by 49 votes. Similarly, Vivek Sharma, who was elected as General Secretary, got 518 votes while Anita Verma got 380 votes. For the post of Vice President Sujan Singh, Rajkumar, Joint Secretary Asmata Peter, Manoj Kumar, Treasurer Virendra Kumar, Assistant Treasurer Suklesh Kumari, Office Secretary Jyoti Bharti, Organization Minister Manju Kushwaha, Yusuf Khan, Public Secretary Bhanu Pratap Singh, Executive Member Anolina Singh, Ashwini Kumar, Manju Lata Kamal, Sunil Roop ji have been elected. 907 votes were valid. Phaneesh Kumar Returning Officer announced the election result. Congratulating the new executive, Savitri Singh and President Satish Mishra, President of Employees Federation, Jitendra Yadav, President of Employees Federation, Ram Kumar Sinha, President of Meditech Association, DK Singh and General Secretary Saroj Kumar, Former General Secretary Dharmesh Kumar said that in the interest of the institution Everyone will work together. Newly elected president Lata Sachan said that along with the interest of the patients, there will be struggle at every level for the interest of the nurses. Vice President Sujan Singh said that our caste nurses, whether they are permanent or outsourced, can be in the interest of the patients.

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