गुरुवार, 9 मार्च 2023

Prof. Narayan Prasad, severe renal injury during a disaster may enhance the meed disaster cell-Assistant Professor Durgesh Pushkar-Do not be afraid of kidney biopsy, it seems to know the exact cause

 According to Prof. Narayan Prasad, severe renal injury during a disaster may enhance the meed disaster cell.

On World Kidney Day, Prof. Narayan Prasad, head of the department of nephrology at Sanjay Gandhi PGI, recommended that every hospital have an emergency management centre. The topic for this year is being ready to assist in an emergency. Myoglobin is secreted in the muscles after disasters, earthquakes, etc. as a result of injury, which lowers kidney function. Kidney damage can also result from wounds and septic shock, and more people will experience kidney issues as a result. Turkey has recently observed a significant increase in the number of patients suffering from acute renal damage. This issue can definitely be resolved. The lives of such disaster-affected people must be saved, which requires special measures and resources. Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for additional issues, such as kidney issues, during disasters must be prepared. According to Pro. Narayan Prasad, those who are elderly, have high blood pressure, or have diabetes are high-risk categories. A kidney test should be performed every six months in people with obesity, family history, or a history of frequent kidney stone production. Urinary protein and serum creatinine levels should be checked for this. A kidney condition affects one in ten people. Early illness detection is critical. The price of disease is much more expensive than the price of prevention.

Assistant Professor Durgesh Pushkar:Do not be afraid of kidney biopsy, it seems to know the exact cause

Nephrologist (kidney specialist) Assistant Prof. Durgesh Pushkar of King George's Medical University said that one should not be afraid of getting a kidney biopsy done if there is symptoms.  If there is swelling in the body, decrease in urine, coal color of urine or red urine then it can be a symptom of kidney problem. There may also be red blood cells in the urine, protein in the urine, a recently raised blood creatinine level. A kidney biopsy is necessary to determine the cause of kidney failure. It has been seen that people run away from biopsy. It is done without any incision with local anesthesia. Small children may require complete anesthesia. Performed by nephrologist or interventional radiologist. Most patients can be discharged after 24 hours. Kidney biopsy is essential for accurate diagnosis of the disease and correct treatment. Many problems can be completely cured once the cause is found on a kidney biopsy. Therefore, do not delay or refuse a kidney biopsy when advised by a nephrologist.

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