शुक्रवार, 17 मार्च 2023

There will be no shortage of medicines at the center for hemophilia patients Deputy Chief Minister Brajesh Pathak inaugurated the e-monitoring system


There will be no shortage  of medicines at the center for hemophilia patients

Deputy Chief Minister Brajesh Pathak inaugurated the e-monitoring system

hemophilia update in pgi

There will be no shortage of medicine at any center for the treatment of hemophilia patients. How much medicine is there at the treatment center, how much is felt, everyone will be monitored daily through e-monitoring system. There are 26 centers in the state where free treatment is being given to these patients with the help of NHM and the state government. Sanjay Gandhi PGI's hematology department was made the nodal center for their monitoring. Many times the shortage of medicine was caused due to delay in correspondence which affected the treatment of the patients. Now the department has started a real time website which was inaugurated by Deputy Chief Minister and Medical Education and Health Minister Brajesh Pathak on Friday. Said that all the patients of the institute go back disappointed, the institute administration should work to stop this, the government is ready to cooperate at every level. Head of the Department Prof. Rajesh Kashyap told that there are 50 to 60 thousand patients of hemophilia in the state, but due to lack of awareness, only about five thousand patients are taking treatment. Need to work for awareness.

Proposal sent for free investigation

Prof. Rajesh told that the cost of one factor to check the deficiency of blood clotting factor is 4500 which is very expensive. Because of this many people do not get tested. A proposal has been sent to the government to make this test free. This will increase the rate of disease detection. Along with this, apart from factor 8 and 9, factor 13, 10, 7 and afibrinnizomia also do not make blood clots, a proposal has also been sent to meet this deficiency.

what is hemophilia

In this problem, the blood clot is not formed normally. When blood does not clot properly, excessive bleeding occurs outside or inside the body after an injury. Large or deep sores, joint pain and swelling, bleeding for no apparent reason, and blood in the urine or stools. Clotting factors are given in the treatment.

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