रविवार, 19 मार्च 2023

Beds increased in PGI Endosurgery


Beds increased  in PGI Endosurgery

The number of beds in Endocrine Surgery of Sanjay Gandhi PGI has been doubled, earlier the department had 30 beds due to which patients had to wait for admission. The head of the department, Prof. Gaurav Aggarwal said that new beds have been created on the third floor of G block, old OPD building.

The department has now doubled the number of beds (60 as against 30 beds earlier), of which 44 have been activated from today. The vacant ward was allotted on the third floor. Beds activeted with  cooperation from the office of Engineering, Electrical, Fire Departments including Chief Medical Superintendent Prof. Sanjay Dhiraj. Chief Nursing Officer Kalib Lijimma Solanki contributed immensely Inauguration was done by Director Prof. RK Dhiman. Chief Medical Superintendent Prof. Sanjay Dhiraj, Medical Superintendent Prof. VK Paliwal, Faculty Prof. Anjali Mishra, Prof. Sabba Ratnam and others were present.

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