शुक्रवार, 17 मार्च 2023

PGI employees organization demands preference to outsourced employees from Brajesh Pathak


PGI employees organization demands preference to outsourced employees from Brajesh Pathak

Savitri Singh, General Secretary of Sanjay Gandhi PGI Employees Organization, submitted a memorandum to the Deputy Chief Minister and Medical Education and Health Minister on Friday.

There has been a demand to give 50 percent preference in regular appointment to nurses, technicians and others working on outsourcing in the institute. Savitri Singh says that these people are already giving their contribution to the institute. working at par with regular employees. The age of many people has passed. In such a situation, their future has become bleak. Their future needs to work. These people working earlier are well aware of the discipline of the institute. Demanded that priority should be given to the people of the state in nursing and lab technicians of the institute and the state government. Brijesh Pathak had come to the institute on Friday to attend the hemophilia update. President Satish Mishra told that the Deputy Chief Minister has given assurance.

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