रविवार, 26 मार्च 2023

Artificial intelligence will know the correct condition of the heart

 Artificial intelligence will know the correct condition of the heart

Seminar on heart failure at SGPGI

Heart failure patients will get relief from combination therapy

Long-term blockage in blood vessels causes heart failure

 If the heart becomes weak, it directly or indirectly affects other parts of the body as well. In such a situation, new research is being done daily to make the heart run smoothly. In a seminar organized on Heart Failure at Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences (SGPGI), cardiologist of the Institute, Prof. Sudeep Kumar said that with the help of artificial intelligence, the severity of the disease in heart failure patients can be predicted in advance. ECG, echo reports are fed into the software, on the basis of which the condition of the disease is known. The severity of the merge can be reduced to a great extent by changing the drugs prior to admission.

The two-day National Heart Failure Conference-2023 was inaugurated by the Cardiological Society of India (CSI) at the Convention Center of SGPGI. In the event, SGPGI Director Professor RK Dhiman said that non-communicable diseases are increasing. Due to this, problems are increasing in other organs including kidney, liver and heart. In such a situation, there is a need to provide facilities to the public with better research.

Dr. Sudeep told that the main reason for heart failure is blockage in the arteries i.e. coronary artery blockage. Due to this, a large part of the heart muscle gets damaged forever due to heart attack. He explained that hypertension, cardiomyopathy (disease of heart muscle due to genetic, viral infection, alcohol and certain drugs etc.) and advanced heart valve defects lead to heart failure.

Pro. Sudeep Kumar said in his lecture that if the muscles of the heart become weak, sufficient blood does not reach the lungs and other organs as required. Combination therapy in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases can give a much better and longer life.protect your heart like this

Organizing Secretary Prof. Rupali Khanna said that obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure lead to a higher risk of heart failure. Lifestyle modification is necessary to keep a check on it.

Children will be screened for rheumatic heart disease

CSI Secretary Dr. Devvrat said that screening program is being started in schools to detect rheumatic heart disease in children. A special stethoscope has been designed which is linked to the app. This will detect the disease. Due to rheumatic heart disease, the valves get damaged due to which there is a possibility of heart failure. CSI President Vijay Bang told that the Society is going to launch a website for awareness.

This is a symptom of heart failure

Pro. Satyendra Tiwari said that shortness of breath, swelling in the body, heaviness in the stomach, loss of appetite, difficulty in sleeping etc. are symptoms of heart related diseases. As the disease progresses, there is a problem of breathing even while resting.


- Heart failure in 0.4 to 2.3 percent of CHD (chronic heart disease)

- Heart failure (HF) factor is high blood pressure. By 2025, from 11.8 crores to 21.4 crores will suffer from high blood pressure, due to which the number of heart failure patients will increase.

HF patients get relief from new chemical

Chronic heart failure is divided into categories based on left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF). The problem is more when the low ejection fraction is less than 40%. New research suggests that sacubitril/valsartan and empagliflozin chemicals can be used in combination therapy with ACE inhibitors, ARBs, beta blockers, SGTALY-2, diuretics. Sacubitril/valsartan appears to benefit in patients with an ejection fraction between 45 and 57%. Reduced hospitalizations and deaths due to complications from heart failure have been shown in patients taking empagliflozin.

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