सोमवार, 13 मार्च 2023

Sepsis and bleeding can damage the kidney of a pregnant woman -------------41.9 percent kidney injury due to sepsis

 Kidney injury can be avoided by taking precautions during pregnancy

Sepsis and bleeding can damage the kidney of a pregnant woman.

-41.9 percent kidney injury due to sepsis

Kumar Sanjay. Lucknow

Kidneys can be at risk in the first three months of pregnancy and after delivery. This is called acute kidney injury. The possibility of kidney injury can be prevented with a little precaution. Medical scientists, after studying many research papers to know the cause of kidney injury, have told that sepsis (infection), high blood pressure, excessive bleeding during delivery are the main reasons. The scientists studied seven research papers from across the country that included 477 women with kidney injury. About 41.9% women had sepsis, 22.1% had excessive bleeding during delivery, 20.9% had high blood pressure due to pregnancy. The rest have other reasons. Dr. Madhavi Gautam, Department of Medicine, Dr. Sulekha Saxena, Department of Critical Care Medicine, Dr. Sai Saran, Dr. Amin Ahmed, Dr. Amita Pandey, Department of Gynecology, King George's Medical University. Dr. Prabhakar Mishra, Department of Biostatistics, SGPGI, Dr. Afzal Azim, Department of Critical Care Medicine, has accepted the review research on the Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine.

Expert Coment...................

Unsafe delivery, abortion is a major cause of sepsis and haemorrhage. Blood pressure caused by pregnancy can be avoided with medication by keeping an eye on the blood pressure. Consult a doctor in case of a fall. Sometimes this may cause bleeding. Do not take any medicine without doctor's advice. Kidney injury occurs in two to five percent of women during pregnancy. Delay in treatment can also put the mother at risk—Prof. Indu Lata Sahu Gynecologist MRH SGPGI


Expert coment..................................

During pregnancy, the work load on the kidneys (glomer filtration) increases by 50%. This results in a 50 per cent reduction in serum creatinine levels. Due to the low level, it does not appear even after kidney injury. Kidney injury can occur even if serum creatinine is normal. The level of protein in 24 hours urine is usually 150 to 200 grams during pregnancy but if it is more than 300 grams then there is a need to be alert... Pro. Durgesh Pushkar Nephrologist King George Medical University

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