मंगलवार, 28 फ़रवरी 2023

Foundation Day of PGI Radiodiagnosis Department-Functional MRI effective in detecting the location and nature of brain tumor


Foundation Day Celebration of PGI Radiodiagnosis Department

Functional MRI effective in detecting the location and nature of brain tumor

PGI will get 3 Tesla MRI, problem will be detected much earlier

24 hours testing facility available for emergency patients


There are many types of brain tumors, functional MRI is very effective in finding out which type of tumor and to what extent the surgery will be successful. After surgery, patients are given chemotherapy, which reduces the chances of recurrence of the tumor. Through functional MI, it has become possible to know the effect of the drug. Mendata's MRI director and EX HOD   Prof. Rk Gupta  established MRI in the institute. RK Gupta told that while giving a special lecture on the new Approch in  temporal brain tumor on the 38th foundation day of the Radiodiagnosis Department of the Institute,  said that brain tumor can occur in any part of the brain. Surgery is not possible without knowing the exact location of the tumour. The technique used to perform the surgery also largely depends on the location of the tumour. It is also possible to know whether a tumor is cancerous or normal with MRI spectroscopy. If there is a cancerous tumor, then it has become possible to know what kind of cancer it is, on the basis of which the direction of treatment can be decided. Head of the Department Prof. Archana Gupta said that they are going to install MRI of 3 Tesla which will make it possible to catch the disease in the early stages even before the symptoms appear. MRI with this capability gives very clear images. Director Prof. RK Dhiman said that high quality CT scan and advanced technique ultrasound machine are going to be installed, it will greatly benefit the patients. Senior Technical Officer Saroj Verma said that on this day in 1986, the first X-ray was done, after which the facilities in the department increased continuously. Everyday we are doing various radiological tests in more than 700 patients including ultrasound, CT scan, MRI, interventional treatment, digital angiography and many investigations and treatments. The head of the department said that 24-hour surreptitious examination facility is available for emergency.

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