सोमवार, 17 जुलाई 2023

new technology will increase the beauty of nose by 90 percent-Every month 25 people are coming to PGI to fix the beauty of the nose.

new technology will increase the beauty of nose by 90 percent

Every month 25 people are coming to PGI to fix the beauty of the nose.


Now people are coming to plastic surgeon not only for treatment but also for beauty. Every month 25 to 30 girls and boys are coming to the plastic surgery department of Sanjay Gandhi PGI to beautify the nose. Head of the department, Prof. in the continuing medical education program organized on the foundation day of the department. Rajeev Aggarwal delivered a special lecture on Rhinoplasty, a technique for reshaping the nose. Pro. Agarwal told that there are many types of defects in the texture of the nose, such as being buried, being crooked, and others. Most of the people look at the nose. There is a negative effect if the nose is not beautiful. There are 10 to 12 techniques to cure nose which are used in different problems. Through these techniques, it is possible to improve the texture of the nose up to 90 percent. In road accidents, many times the injury on the nose worsens, which can be corrected with surgery. If the white spot is not increasing, then its treatment is also possible through surgery skin replacement. On this occasion, Dr. Kapil Agarwal from KEM Mumbai, Dr. Taimur from Oman, Dr. Vaibhav Khanna from Mendata, Prof. SGPGI. Ankur Bhatnagar, Prof. Anupama Singh, Dr. Tanjum Kamboj, Dr. Bhupesh, Dr. Rajeev Bharti, Dr. Nikhalesh, Dr. Gautam and other experts told that the role of plastic surgery is due to accident, congenital malformation, burn, nervous problem, bed sore, wound. It plays an important role in treatment. Director Prof. RK Dhiman congratulated on the foundation day of the department.

  Wounds will heal quickly with new technology

Prof. of the Dept. Ankur Bhatnagar and Prof. Anupama Singh told that the wound can be cured quickly through negative pressure wound therapy. In this therapy, negative pressure is given on the wound with a machine, due to which the infection, pus comes out from the run. The obstructed blood flow in the wound begins to return to normal. The wound starts healing quickly. If the wound heals in a month with normal dressing, it heals in 14 to 15 days with this therapy.

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