Why take the risk of hepatitis B , vaccine avilabule for hepatitis B
hidden hepatitis virus can damage the liver
It is possible to save the liver by taking timely treatment
Awareness Program on World Hepatitis Awareness Day
On the occasion of World Hepatitis Awareness Day (July 28), an awareness program was organized by the Department of Gastroenterology, Sanjay Gandhi. On this occasion, Head of the Department, Prof. UC Ghoshal, Prof. Gaurav Pandey and Dr. Akash Mathur told that there is a need to be aware of the infection of this virus. Vaccines exist for hepatitis A and B while there is no vaccine for hepatitis C. To avoid all three viruses, you should get hepatitis test done from time to time. Don't ignore any symptoms. If you are hepatitis positive, then you should take complete treatment for it. Experts pointed out that there are 40 million people infected with Hepatitis B and about 12 million people infected with Hepatitis C in India. More than 90 percent of people with hepatitis B and C do not know they are infected because symptoms appear at a very late stage of the disease. The virus can silently damage the liver for years without any symptoms. Infections that are not diagnosed, monitored and treated in time can lead to severe life-threatening liver disease. The Indian government also joined the effort and launched the National Viral Hepatitis Control Program last year. Medical Social Service Officer Ramesh Kumar told that people suffering from this problem are called for follow up after every 6 months. Must always be on follow up. Senior technical officer TS Negi said that fibroscan detects the condition of the liver.
it can be annoying
- loss of appetite
- Nausea
-stomach ache
-dark urine
- light colored stools
- joint pain
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