PG Course on PGI Ophthalmology
Like blood pressure, pressure also increases in the eye.
Pressure in the eye can damage the optic nerve
Eye pressure is proving to be the main cause of glaucoma
Like blood pressure, the pressure of the eye also increases (ocular hypertension), which can lead to optic nerve damage if not treated properly at the right time. This can prove to be the cause of glaucoma. It is not possible in all cases to restore eyesight after nerve damage. After the age of 40, every person should get eye pressure checked. All such information was given by the Department of Ophthalmology of Sanjay Gandhi PGI in the post graduate course. More than 110 students and more than 60 ophthalmologists from all over the state participated in the course. Students were informed about various eye diseases and their treatment. Head of the department Prof. Vikash Kanojia and Prof. Rachna Aggarwal told that feeling pressure or pain in the eyes is completely different from the rest of the eye problems. It starts from another part of the brain. Sometimes it also happens due to stress, headache, cluster headache, migraine etc. Glaucoma is a result of pressure inside our eye. There is pain in the eyes due to red eyes or allergies in the eyes. There is a feeling of pressure or pain, burning and stinging behind the eyes. Sometimes due to this, the strain in the eyes also increases. Experts said that the rate of loss of vision can be significantly reduced by taking treatment of pressure in the eye like taking blood pressure throughout life.
what is eye pressure
laucoma can occur if the eye pressure increases beyond a certain amount, the eye pressure is normally found between 10 to 21 millimeters of mercury. Sometimes this disease can be found even with normal pressure.
what is the treatment
Prostamides, prostaglandin analogs and parasympathomimetic, beta-blockers increase fluid flow and carbonic anhydrase inhibitors (CAIs) prevent excess water retention. Alpha-adrenergic agonists reduce pressure in the eye by reducing aqueous production and increasing uveoscleral flow. Prostamide or prostaglandin combination with brimonidine has shown significant benefit.
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