रविवार, 13 अगस्त 2023

People are not donating organs due to misconceptions

 Walkthon and Awareness Program at PGI on World Organ Donation Day

One person can give life to 8 people

People are not donating organs due to misconceptions

A family member became a victim of brain death at Apex Trauma Center PGI. After counselling, the relatives agreed to donate the organs, but the relatives asked them to ask their religious guru . Guru ji said that the organ which is taken out at this time will not be with this person in the next life. The family turned away from organ donation Due to all such misconceptions, the family members are not ready for organ donation. Professor Narayan Prasad, Head of Department of Nephrology, Sanjay Gandhi PGI and Joint Director of State Organ Transplant Society and Head of Hospital Administration, Prof. Rajesh Harshvardhan told that 20 to 25 percent of brain death victims' relatives are not ready for organ donation due to misconceptions. Are. This is a misconception, there is nothing that it will be lacking in the next life. To make all Indians aware, the institute has started an organ donation awareness campaign, under this a walk was organized on Sunday. Prof. Anupama Kaul, Professor Dharmendra Bhadoria, Professor Ravi Shankar Kushwaha, Professor Manas Ranjan Patel, Medical Social Service Officer and Transplant Coordinator Vijay Sonkar, Senior Assistant Santosh Verma, Senior Technical Officer Mahesh Kumar, and others participated in the gift of life awareness program On this occasion, former transplant coordinator Pushpa Singh, former head of the department, Professor Amit Gupta, was specially honored by the director.

With the continuous advancement in medical science in the field of organ and tissue donation, it is now established that organ donation from one person has the potential to save up to 8 lives. There is also an increase in the waiting list for patients needing transplants due to a shortage of organ donors.

Transplant is not being done due to lack of organs

Prof Narayan Prasad pointed out that there is a huge gap between the patients who need transplant and the organs available in India. About 2 lakh patients die of liver failure or liver cancer every year in India, out of which about 10 - 15% could have been saved with timely liver transplant. About 25 - 30 thousand liver transplants are required annually in India, but only about 1,500 are being performed. Similarly, about 500,000 people suffer from heart failure every year, but only about 10-15 heart transplants are performed in India every year. There is an acute need for kidney, liver, heart, cornea and lung transplants across India.

 In 9 years only 32 brain dead organ donation was done in the state

The organ donation scenario in the state of Uttar Pradesh (U.P.) is 32 deceased donors and 1,876 living donors as of 2015.

According to national statistics from the National Organ and Tissue Transplant Organization (NOTTO), since 1995, only 2,546 people donated their organs after their death. 34,094 people chose to donate their organs while alive.

PGI ready for heart transplant

Head of CVTS Department

Prof SK Aggarwal said that his department is fully prepared for heart transplant. A heart transplant cannot be done through a living donor. This is possible only through brain stem death donors. The institute is fully prepared for heart transplant at any point of time to get a suitable donor.

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