रविवार, 11 फ़रवरी 2024

PID will be tested for free in PGI Even general doctors can detect PID with TLC test

 PID will be tested  free in PGI


Even general doctors can detect PID with TLC test 


Even a general practitioner can detect the possibility of primary immunodeficiency (PID) in the early stages. If a person of any age is getting repeated infections. There is no improvement with normal oral antibiotics. If you have to be admitted and the lymphocyte count is low, then you need to consult a specialist to confirm the suspicion of PID. Professor, Head of Clinical Immunology Department of Sanjay Gandhi PGI. Amita Aggarwal and Foundation for PID America Prof. Sudhir Gupta told in the convention of Indian Society of PDI that TLC test for any pathology can be done for twenty to thirty rupees. To confirm this disease, further immunoglobulin Ig, IgA and IgM tests are done along with lymphocyte sub-cell testing by flow cytometry and then genetic testing is done for specific confirmation. Foundation for PID has provided financial support for free testing of patients in the institute. Will examine poor patients for free. The Foundation has assured to help in the treatment also. This disease has also been included in the Rare Disease Policy of the Government of India, making its treatment possible. Dr. Troyan Torgerson, Dr. Siringo Rosenzwing from America attended the convention. Many experts including Dr. Dan Kastner gave information. Director Prof. RK Dhiman said in the inauguration of the convention that the institute will provide every resource.


25 to 30 new patients every year

Pro. Amita Aggarwal said that every year 25 to 30 new patients are diagnosed with PID. Due to lack of testing and awareness, 16 thousand patients are diagnosed in the country while the number is around 10 lakh. Intravenous IgG is given for treatment.

10 percent are miss diagnosed

Five to 10 percent of missed diagnoses occur because PID causes many problems including skin, lungs, auto immune disease, liver etc. Many times PID is not detected.

 Life increases with treatment

If PID is not treated, 50 percent of patients may die within 20 years. Treatment leads to longer life.

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