रविवार, 11 फ़रवरी 2024

Foundation Day of PGI Pulmonary Medicine Department - Vaccine will reduce the problem of COPD


Foundation Day of PGI Pulmonary Medicine Department

Vaccine will reduce the problem of COPD

TB patients are more likely to develop COPD


COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) patients can reduce their problems by getting influenza and pneumococcal vaccines. Head of Pulmonary Medicine Department of Sanjay Gandhi PGI, Prof. Alok nath and Prof. Mansi Gupta told in the session organized on Air Way Diseases on the occasion of foundation  day of the department and alumni meet that if there is cough, phlegm and difficulty in breathing for more than two months, then consult a pulmonary specialist and there is a possibility of COPD. can be reduced to a minimum. During this problem, the air passages of the lungs shrink, due to which there is difficulty in breathing. When this happens, carbon dioxide is not able to come out from inside the body. The risk of this disease in people suffering from TB is higher than that of ordinary people, hence TB treatment should also be taken completely. This problem has increased so much that it is being known as TB Associated COPD (TOPD). The main reason for this problem is pollution along with smoking. Anti-IgE, anti-IL-5 and anti-IL-RA biological medicines have also been used for the treatment of this disease, which are providing considerable relief. Bronchodilator inhalers are the most important medications in initial treatment. They relax the airways to keep them open. Some bronchodilators start working within a few seconds and can last for 4-6 hours. Used immediately when trouble occurs. Long-acting bronchodilators take longer to start working but last longer. These are taken daily. May be combined with steroids. The conference was inaugurated by Director Prof. RK Dhiman did it and expressed happiness over the progress of the department. Medical University Prof. Suryakant, Prof. Rajendra Prasad, Prof. Ved Prakash, Prof. KB Gupta and others gave information about COPD and asthma.

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