गुरुवार, 26 अक्तूबर 2023

Caution: Every third woman and sixth man has a hollow bone- Bone breaks due to injury caused by crosser


Caution: Every third woman and sixth man has a hollow bone.

      Bone breaks due to injury caused by crosser.

          Crosser- BMD exposes the silent disease

           Kumar Sanjay

               Lucknow    . 64 year old Meera Di looks healthy but due to a slight blow, a bone in her leg broke. When he was taken to a big hospital in the capital, he was plastered but even after four months the bone did not join. When his family members brought him to Apex Trauma Center of Sanjay Gandhi PGI, the orthopedic specialist here, Prof. Amit Kumar performed the operation. The bone joined. After lying in bed for a long time, normal life was about to begin when the bone of her other leg broke. The operation took place again. According to Dr. Jaya Krishnan of the endocrine department of the institute, the reason for frequent bone fractures was attributed to osteoporosis. Due to this disease, the bone becomes brittle and weak due to which even the slightest shock or impact causes fracture. Symptoms do not appear until a fracture occurs. To avoid this disease, bone mineral density should be tested after crossing the age of forty. The disease is detected by this test. By taking precautions one can avoid fractures.


Apprehension in every third woman and sixth man

Endocrine expert of Sanjay Gandhi PGI, Prof. Sushil Gupta says that 50 percent of women and 36 percent of men who have crossed the age of fifty are affected by this disease. 29.8 percent women and 24.3 percent men are standing at the mouth. Every third woman and every sixth man is vulnerable to this disease. Due to this disease, spine of seven lakh people, hip of three lakh people, wrist of two lakh people and other bones of thirty thousand people get fractured. Twenty people who suffer from hip fracture die due to infection, bed noise and the remaining 50 percent become disabled. This disease in children is known as rickets.

Calcium starts decreasing after 30


Calcium accumulates in the bones until the age of 30, after which erosion begins. Therefore, calcium rich foods should be consumed in abundance so that bone mass increases. He said that two new medicines, calcitonin and isophosphonate, have been introduced which can reduce the effects of the disease to a great extent. Calchitonin increases bone mass while diphosphonate reduces calcium erosion.

protect yourself like this

 --BMD test should be done

  -should do weight bearing exercises

  - Should consume milk and sunlight

 Calcium and Vitamin D should be consumed

 -Alcohol and smoking should be avoided


   Intake of necessary amount of calcium to avoid disease


Age and gender Calcium intake (daily)

  Janjat -6 months - 400 ml

 6 months to one year – 600 mg

One year to ten years – 8000-1200 mg

11 to 24 years – 1200-1500 mg

Pregnant women – 1200-1500 mg, post menopause – 1000 mg

(normal woman)

 50 to 64 – 1500 ml

  Women over 65 – 1500 mg

normal man

  Age 25 to 64 – 1000 mg

   Over 65 – 1500 mg

You can take advice here

Every Friday in SGPGI, special OPD of Bone Health is held in Endocrine Department. All testing facilities are available in the department.

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