Patients admitted in ICU will get accurate treatment
Steroids effective only in repairing lungs damaged by fungal infection
International Medical Journal recognized the research of Pulmonary Department
Kumar Sanjay. Lucknow
Patients admitted in ICU will now get accurate treatment. Till now, more than 90 percent of the patients are prescribed medicines (steroids) to reduce the immunity of the body without any investigation. This has been seen not only in India but in the whole world. There is less profit and more loss. Sanjay Gandhi PGI experts after long research on 1161 patients have proved that steroids are effective only if there is fungal infection. Fungus is also of many types, so it has also been proved that it is effective only in Aspergillosis fungus infection. The research has been accepted by the International Medical Journal Mycosis. ICU patients can get a lot of relief after this new fact comes to the fore. The death rate will also be less. Chief researcher Prof Zia Hashim of the Department of Pulmonary Medicine was honored by Governor Anandi Ben Patel for this research.
More than four percent fungal infection
Pro. Jia Hashim told that according to the patients admitted in ICU, the lung function becomes weak. This is called Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) in medical language. Fungal infections are found in more than four percent of ICU patients.
Suspicion is more in diabetes patients
Lung complications due to aspergillosis are more common in people with diabetes. Fungal infection is also more likely to occur if there is a lump or cavity in the lung. Have chronic lung disorders or damaged lungs.
how common is aspergillosis
Susceptibility to fungal infections has been observed in approximately 2% of asthma patients and 2-15% of those with cystic fibrosis.
these are the symptoms
Fever, shortness of breath, chest pain, cough, bleeding with mucus, and low oxygen levels.
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