बुधवार, 19 अप्रैल 2023

Increasing burden of liver diseases due to fatty liver

 Increasing burden of liver diseases due to fatty liver

 every fourth  suffering from fatty liver disease

 Fatty liver can be reduced by reducing 5 percent weight


Department of Hepatology, Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences

 Celebrated 'World Liver Day on 19th April 2023' and organized a webinar to spread awareness about the increasing burden of liver diseases in the country.

 Faculty and staff members of the institute and doctors from 38 medical colleges of the state participated in large numbers in the webinar.

 Prof. Dhiman expressed concern over the increasing burden of liver diseases in the country and the State. He particularly emphasized on early detection of liver diseases so that progression to cirrhosis and liver cancer can be prevented

Professor Saxena urged the physicians to timely refer cirrhosis patients to hepatologists at an early stage, so that they can be cured with timely liver transplant. He told that if we can create a network of ICU in private and government hospitals, then we can prepare at least one liver donor in Lucknow city itself.

Professor Amit Goyal talked about the increasing cases of fatty liver in the country as well as in Uttar Pradesh. As per the latest studies, every fourth person in the country has fatty liver. The main causes of fatty liver are sedentary lifestyle, eating junk food and lack of exercise and sports activities among people. It was also emphasized that weight loss and exercise are the most effective treatments for fatty liver disease. Losing 5% of body weight can cure fatty liver and if we can lose 10% of our weight then liver injury and liver fibrosis can also be reversed. Nutritionist Dr. Rita told that apart from exercise, proper eating is necessary to reduce body weight.

Dr. Surendra Singh talked about the various aspects of liver transplant and its availability at the institute. He informed that SGPGI is the first such institute in the country which has started Living Donor Liver Transplant.

 and is doing liver transplant at much less cost than private hospitals. He urged all the doctors across the state to immediately refer patients with liver cirrhosis to Sanjay Gandhi PGI for evaluation for liver transplant. Liver transplant facility is available here. Patients needing liver transplant can come for consultation in Hepatology OPD on every Monday and Friday of the week.

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